It’s a Christmas MIIIRACLE! Roku Finally Gets a YouTube Channel

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At around 12:31pm ET today, Hell reported colder than normal temperatures, which happens to be about the same time that Roku published a post on its blog announcing the rollout of a YouTube channel.

If you own a Roku player, you’ve no doubt noticed the absence of an official YouTube channel day after day after day. Well, those days are finally over. There’s a catch, though – a couple of them, actually: You’ll need to own a Roku 3 player, and you’ll need to be located in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. or the Republic of Ireland.

The company says additional models will get the channel next year, but makes no mention of additional geographic territories.

You can click here to install YouTube on your Roku player.

Introducing YouTube on Roku 3 [Roku Blog]