Amit Singhal, senior vice president of search at Google, holds a Google Glass as he speaks at the garage where the company was founded on Google's 15th anniversary in Menlo Park, California September 26, 2013.
The slogan of the first Kodak camera in 1888, “You press the button, we do the rest,” heralded a new age of photography made simple — now Google says you don’t have to press a button or even tap a screen.
Sure, voice-activated snaps already exist, but the California-based company says that the new “wink of the eye” feature of their Google Glass will be even faster.
Google also asserts that the winking technology could be used for many other purposes.
“Imagine a day where you’re riding in the back of a cab and you just wink at the meter to pay,” says one of the firm’s official blogposts.
The wearable technology market is expected to grow from $1.4 billion this year to somewhere between $19 billion and $50 billion in 2018, according to Juniper Research and analysts at Credit Suisse.