Tikker Watch Counts You Down to Your Death

I'm going to die like my friend Keith – "by crashing a motorcycle into the sun while wailing on a guitar."

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I have no problem wearing a watch that counts down the years, days, hours, minutes and seconds until I die. Someone is trying to build such a watch. It’s called Tikker and it’ll cost $39 if enough people support it on Kickstarter.

My problem is that I plan to live so long that the watch will probably break several times over before I finally collapse on my keyboard while writing a blog post in the year 2142. Actually, scratch that. I’m going to die like my friend Keith – “by crashing a motorcycle into the sun while wailing on a guitar.” I like how it’ll be a crash instead of me purposely riding a motorcycle directly into the sun.

The concept of the watch is simple enough. It’s got a countdown timer, of course, but it also tells time if you’re into that sort of thing. Apparently to set it up, “The wearer simply fills out a questionnaire, deducts his/her current age from the results, and TIKKER is ready to start the countdown.” I might set mine for every Tuesday and then cackle manically as I repeatedly cheat death. Until that one fateful Tuesday in 2142, of course.

Tikker: The wrist watch that counts down your life! [Kickstarter via Technabob]