Following Amazon and PayPal’s decision to block the WikiLeaks site, Facebook has issued a statement saying the social network has no plans to ban the WikiLeaks page.
(More on TIME: WikiLeaks’ Assange Arrested In London, Denied Bail)
Following a chaotic month due to the site’s latest “leak,” a site outage led by hackers in China and founder Julian Assange’s arrest today in London, WikiLeaks is still making noise. The site’s Facebook page has nearly 1 million followers, and though political officials are calling for WikiLeaks to be added to the terrorist list, Facebook won’t take any action against the site. “The WikiLeaks Facebook Page does not violate our content standards nor have we encountered any material posted on the page that violates our policies,” Andrew Noyes, Facebook’s Manager of Public Policy Communications said in an e-mail to Read Write Web.
Accounts or pages that do violate the site’s terms are usually canceled, though timeliness can depend on how high profile a group or account has become. (Amazon and PayPal have both shuttered Wikileaks from their servers.) Still, WikiLeaks’ page has done nothing to violate Facebook’s rules. At least not yet. Noyes’ statement makes it clear that the reason the WikiLeaks page has not been terminated is because it has yet to break a policy, though here are the two that could be the most applicable:
1. You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
2. You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law.
Depending on the charges brought against Assange following today’s arrest, the page could be in danger of violation simply for its affiliation with an unlawful organization, though the page’s content is mild and posts focus on the media hailstorm surrounding the site.
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