Good morning! Here are some of today’s top tech links. We’ll cover some of these throughout the day in more detail, but feel free to get a head start.
Delicious, Yahoo! Buzz, MyBlogLog, AltaVista all face axe
Source: The Register
After cutting 600 employees right before Christmas, Yahoo is now cutting some sites and services from its portfolio. Bookmarking site Delicious, Yahoo Buzz, MyBlogLog and AltaVista are believed to be on the chopping block, though Yahoo Buzz is the only confirmed kill so far. Delicious is kind of a surprise, to be honest. The rest aren’t.
Facebook Briefly Shuts Down After Code Leak
Source: Wired
Whoopsie-daisies. Facebook accidentally flipped the switch on some upcoming features yesterday, and then took the entire site offline for a half hour to fix the mistake. During that time, Facebook users resorted to desperate measures like checking e-mail and using Twitter.
Kindle’s Android App Now Has Newspapers and Magazines for Downloading
Source: Gizmodo
Previously available only on the actual Kindle reader, Android users can now read magazines and newspapers using Amazon’s latest mobile e-book reading software. The app now includes the Kindle store built right into it instead of linking off to Amazon’s web page.
Find out what’s in a word, or five, with the Google Books Ngram Viewer
Source: Google
Google has taken 500 billion words from 5.2 million books and made their respective usage patterns searchable over various time periods. No results for "Bieber" yet, unfortunately.
Recently on Techland (in case you missed it):
The U.S. Army Considers Making iPhones Standard Issue
Facebook Photos: Now With Facial Recognition Tech
Make Your Own Android Apps, No Programming Skills Required