Rumors of the demise of the Age of Twitter have, it seems, been greatly exaggerated. The social networking site is expected to earn around $150 million in revenue this year, up significantly from 2010’s revenue of $45 million, and expected to rise even further in 2012, to $250 million.
The revenue bump, predicted by eMarketer, is expected to come from the site’s increased focus on advertising – as long as it can prove to advertisers that it’s worth the hype. Principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson is quoted as saying,
If Twitter can grow its user base and convince marketers of its value as a go-to secondary player to Facebook, it will succeed in gaining revenue. In 2011, it must work overtime to give its early advertisers a positive experience.
To do that, the company may have to come up with more reliable ways of pushing brands than turning them into Promoted Trends… Although, according to Nissan, even that works better than expected.
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