Apple Rep Thinks iPad 2 Stock Plentiful ‘Within a Couple Weeks’

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If you’ve been feverishly searching for an iPad 2 without any success, things might get better in the next couple of weeks. I was in a Boston-area Apple store yesterday and, as is my custom, decided to ask one of the employees if they had any iPad 2s in stock.

He, like so many before him, looked at me as if I had three heads before telling me that they were completely sold out—every model, every price point, everything. This was not the first time I’d been told this exact same information, as stock levels of the iPad 2 have been scarce everywhere.

But instead of simply being told to check back early and often, or order one directly through Apple’s website as I’d been instructed to do so many times before, this sales rep said the following:

“We’re getting shipments in all the time. We should be getting another one soon—maybe tomorrow. And we’re getting more and more in with every shipment now. My guess is that within a couple weeks you’ll be able to walk right in and get one.”

Take this however you like—it should be no means be construed as official word from Apple in general—but it’s definitely different from what I’d been hearing from salespeople in this area up until yesterday.

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