In an interview with, Nintendo of America’s Reggie Fils-Aime admitted that his company used footage from games running on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation platforms during the unveiling of Nintendo’s new “Wii U” console yesterday.‘s Geoff Kingsley asked, “Now you showed a sizzle reel of a lot of third-party games. That was footage from Xbox 360 and PS3 versions in most cases, right?” To which Fils-Aime responded, “Absolutely, because we’re talking a year away from when the system’s going to launch.”
PC Magazine adds the following:
“The games shown at Nintendo’s E3 event included such graphics-heavy titles as Assassin’s Creed 2, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online, and Madden football…
…While the footage of those games was taken from other platforms, Fils-Aime clearly believes there was no harm in showing it since the ‘experience’ on the Wii U, planned for a 2012 release, will be similar.”
If you’re an avid gamer, do you care about this? I’m honestly wondering. My first reaction was along the lines of, “Well, that’s not good.” Then I shifted to, “Who am I talking to? There’s nobody here,” before finally landing on, “Maybe I’ll ask people who consider themselves avid gamers.”
So here we go:
[polldaddy poll=5125198]
Please feel free to add any additional comments below. Good day.