Today at 1pm Eastern, Facebook will be making a big announcement at its “f8” developer conference. We’ll be covering the event and will relay the official news after all the dust has settled.
However, it appears that Facebook’s own creative director, Ji Lee, may have ruined one of the surprises already. Lee supposedly sent the following out in a tweet before deleting it a few minutes later:
“The ‘Listen with your friend’ feature in ticker is blowing my mind. Listen to what your friends are listening. LIVE.”
Twitter user Mitchell Holder was apparently able to grab a screenshot of Lee’s tweet before it was deleted and sent it along to TechCrunch.
It’s widely believed Facebook will be unveiling a more broad music service today, and the idea behind this particular feature is that if you notice one of your friends listening to a song, you’ll be able to start listening to the same song at the exact same point in the track.
Mind-blowing, as Lee apparently suggests? That remains to be seen (and/or heard), but it’d definitely be a cool little feature nonetheless.
Check back here around 1pm for full coverage of the announcement.