
Next Up: New iPad vs. Windows 8

Apple CEO Tim Cook spent much of Wednesday’s new iPad event reminding everyone in the audience of just how wildly successful the iPad has been. It was hard to accuse him of hubris, though. As Dizzy Dean said, it ain’t bragging if …

6 Reasons Not to Buy Apple’s ‘New’ iPad

So Apple held this quiet, off-the-radar shindig yesterday where they invited a few people to a tiny little iPad-related event in San Francisco, maybe you heard about it… Oh who am I kidding, you’ve probably already placed your …

E-Waste: How the New iPad Adds to Electronic Garbage

There was a major news event yesterday over at Apple HQ in Cupertino, California, which I know because my Twitter feed was filled alternately with people live-blogging the event (“retina display!”) and mocking the live-blogging (“the screen self-cleans with children’s tears!”). This is how we receive the news of a new iPad, …

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