A smartwatch needs to add to the reasons I wear a watch. Smart glasses need to add to the reasons I put glasses on my face. These are the challenges for wearable computing.
Big Picture
Why Apple Is in No Hurry to Release a Smartwatch
It would not surprise me if Apple creates the smartwatch that actually drives this category into the mainstream. I just don’t expect it to happen anytime soon.
Where We’ll Find the Next Major Communication Innovation
Even if our basic communication methods don’t change much, we’ll still see new ways of engaging with each other.
Welcome to the Golden Age of Mobile
The future of mobile includes advanced high-speed connectivity, intelligence and anticipation engines that connect the digital dots of our lifestyles.
Why We Want TV to Be Disrupted So Badly
TV providers aren’t technology companies. We know the technology and the experience can be so much better.
Back to School: Off to Oxford with a MacBook Air
Unlike the last time I was in school when all of my notes were taken in long-hand and reports were done on typewriters, this time I had all kinds of digital tools at my disposal.
Why Netflix Is More Than the Next HBO
Regardless of whether House of Cards or Arrested Development actually win any Emmys, Netflix has already won.
Why I’m Not Switching From the iPhone
Tech writers get lots of attention by writing about how they’re switching from the iPhone to Android
The Flaw in Microsoft’s Windows 8 Logic
At the very least, Microsoft should have provided a more gradual path to touch by introducing it first as an alternative form of input.
Microsoft, Apps and the Long Tail
Windows Phone and BlackBerry may get the popular apps from the big developers, but these platforms suffer from a lack of long-tail apps — the driving strength for the appeal of iOS and Android.
Why Hybrids and Convertibles Will Be Hot This Holiday Season
Along with Windows 8.1, industry giants are crossing their fingers that there will be greater demand for new PCs in the latter part of the year.
Reminder: You Can Learn Anything on the Internet
When developing countries get their hands on the profound power of having the Internet in their pocket, it will not transform how they work, play, and learn — it will revolutionize it.