The iPod turns 12. Here’s a look back at its unveiling.
How Steve Jobs’ Side Bet on the iPad Affected Microsoft’s Tablets
Even though Apple really did make the iPad for consumers, Jobs and his team fully expected it to also become attractive to business users.
4 Unbelievably Daring High-Tech Heists
You can’t accuse the criminals in these stories of thinking small.
The Era of Personal Computing Is Getting More and More Personal
We’re in the middle of a 50-year journey. The first 25 years were spent bringing computing to business customers. The next 25 years will be about bringing computing to the masses.
Everything You Needed to Know About the Internet in May 1994
A snapshot of a revolution, just before it really took off.
Google Turns 15: Google Doodle Lets You Whack a Piñata (Plus: Fun Easter Egg)
Okay, we have several orders of business to take care of.
The Myth of Steve Jobs’ Constant Breakthroughs
Most of Apple’s improvements have always been incremental — and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Steve Jobs’ Childhood Home May Become Historical Landmark
The single-story ranch house where the young Steve Jobs built the first Apple computer will be evaluated by the Los Altos Historical Society to determine whether it should become a protected historical site.
Apple Innovative No More, Says Man Who Helped Shape the Company
The scrappy, disruptive Silicon Valley company that revolutionized the way we think of the personal computer is no more, says the man who helped Steve Jobs design the Mac in the 1980s.
Maybe Apple’s Newton Ended Up Influencing…Everything
The pioneering PDA failed, but the team behind it didn’t.
Back to School: Oh, How I Wish the iPad Had Existed in 1982
Return with us now to the era when a major university might have a single computer on the premises.
An Apple History Nerd’s Take on the Jobs Movie
Ashton Kutcher is a convincing Steve Jobs in a film that gives Apple’s other founder short shrift.