Yep, Google actually said “Glasshole.”
Google Glass
Google Glass Will Now Come with Prescription Frames
Sunglasses are available, too
New Trouble Spot for Google Glass: Movie Theaters
You may now add movie theaters to the list of places where Google Glass can get you into trouble, along with bars, casinos and strip clubs.
Google Glass Gets More iPhone-Friendly
iPhone users get turn-by-turn directions straight to the face.
Google Introduces Wink-and-Shoot Photography
The race for the wearable technology market continues
WATCH: Person Shoots Guns While Wearing Google Glass
Here’s a video of what it looks like to tell Google Glass to start recording while you’re at the gun range. As a bonus, those of us who aren’t used to being around guns get to see what happens when an automatic weapon fires off …
Take Your Google Glassing Elsewhere, Mister!
Man thrown out of diner for wearing Google Glass may prove the latest tech vs. privacy flashpoint
Want to Try Google Glass for Yourself? Take a Number.
Now there’s a waiting list for the $1500 wearable computer
New Google Glass Features Will Be Music to the Ears
Eyewear that appeals to the ears
The Google Glass Ticket Heard Round the World: Person Cited for Driving While Wearing
She was actually pulled over for speeding.
New Google Glass Photos Revealed
These ones are prescription-friendly.
Here’s Another Chance to Buy Google Glass
All you need is a friend who owns a pair, plus $1,500.