Hope you like auto-installed browser toolbars.
Google Now Launcher: Google Brings Its Own Android Home Screen to the Play Store, Sort Of
It’s for Nexus and Google Play Edition devices only, but you don’t have to wait.
3 Questions About the Nokia X Android Phones
Nokia’s first Android-powered phones promise to offer a marriage of classic manufacturing (Nokia) and critically-acclaimed software (Android). But questions remain.
WhatsApp Will Offer Free Voice Calling This Year
The messaging service will allow voice calls as early as April, said chief executive Jan Koum
Nokia’s Game-Changing X, X+ and XL Android Phones Feature Microsoft Services
These are fascinating developments that we industry watchers will follow closely, and ones that should be of interest to consumers everywhere.

The Smartphone App Wars Are Over, and Apple Won
How the company would contend with a post-app era isn’t so obvious, though.
“Call My Wife”: Android Voice Calling Now Recognizes Relationships
One less excuse not to call once in a while.
No Requiem for Flappy Bird Here (Though I Wish Its Creator Well)
Care to wager how many ripoffs are in the offing?
Goodbye, Flappy Bird — You Lived Fast and Died Young
Some parting words for an example of straightforward, honest game design.
Popular Flappy Bird Game Mysteriously Grounded
Dong Nguyen’s mobile app couldn’t have been hotter. It was downloaded more than 50 million times and making $50,000 a day. Then the little-known Vietnamese creator shut the game down, saying, “I just can’t keep it anymore.” What happened?

Where to Get Flappy Bird: On eBay, for $900. Cheap!
As long as you’ve got incredibly deep pockets, it’s not too late to catch up on mobile gaming’s oddest fad.
No, You Don’t Have to Play Flappy Bird
It’s bad and popular — imagine that.