Microsoft’s new Xbox One trailer touts speedy Kinect voice controls.
Let’s Hope the Xbox One’s Kinect Camera Is Never Used for Targeted Advertising
Microsoft says it won’t target ads to you “unless you choose to allow [it] to do so.”
Google Snaps Up ‘Flutter’ Motion Control Company that Bills Itself as ‘Kinect for OS X’
Google draws a new card in the motion control game.
New Microsoft Tech Turns Any Surface into a Touchscreen
Software startup Ubi, in conjunction with Microsoft, has begun selling a system capable of turning any surface into a touchscreen.
Xbox One Lets You Turn Off Kinect — Not That You’d Want To
The game console was always a poor target for privacy concerns.
Backpedaling on Xbox One DRM Policies Is Precisely the Right Move by Microsoft
Welcome back to the game, Xbox One.
Wish Granted: This Robot Knows When to Pour You a Brewski
This is a robot that not only pours you a beer, but “knows” not to if you start slopping your glass around.
Xbox One Raises the Burden of Privacy Safeguards: 5 Questions for Microsoft
Xbox One will be Microsoft’s eyes and ears in your home, but that only increases the company’s burden to safeguard our privacy.
Microsoft Girds for Battle Over Motion Control
With the threat of smaller, cheaper start-up efforts looming, Microsoft is pulling back the curtain on the future of its Kinect motion controller.
Being Watched While You Watch TV: What’s So Creepy?
Would you bring a camera that watched you as you watched TV into your living room?
Take Kinect, Add Robotics, Strap to a Human and Presto — Automatic Building Mapper!
Mapping the insides of anything in real time is hard. Certainly harder than it looks in movies like The Dark Knight, where, near the end, a bat-suited Christian Bale dashes through a high-rise, taking out small squadrons of …
Microsoft’s Surprise $40 Kinect Price Drop: Time to Buy One?
Microsoft Kinect price, come on down — the company just knocked roughly one-third off the retail price of its motion-control sensor for the Xbox 360, permanently. That’s the official word, courtesy Microsoft PR poobah Larry …