U.S. Postal Service list confirms that Jobs’ face will grace our mail
steve jobs
5 Biggest Flip-Flops from Apple
And why it seems that every time Apple flip-flops on a previous decision, it turns out to be a highly successful move.
Steve Jobs’ Mouse Dug Up Inside 30-Year-Old Time Capsule
Still far more comfortable to use than Apple’s hockey puck mouse.

Exclusive: Watch Steve Jobs’ First Demonstration of the Mac for the Public, Unseen Since 1984
How a memorable part of computer history — which almost didn’t happen — got saved for posterity.
Apple’s Macintosh Computer Turns 30: Did You Know It Almost Failed?
What most people don’t realize is that it wasn’t until almost two years after the original Mac was introduced that Apple finally got it right.
My Ringside Seat at the 1984 Mac Unveiling
As I sat third row center at the Flint Center in Cupertino on January 24, 1984, I had no idea that I was witnessing history.

“Apple Must…”: A Brief History of People Instructing the Company to Do Things
…and why it rarely does.
Lenovo Yoga Tablet: Ashton Kutcher Must Learn to Say ‘No’
An oversized tablet grip causes more problems than it solves.
Steve Jobs Was Wrong: Why the 7-Inch Tablet Is King
What a difference three years makes.
Steve Jobs’ Childhood Home Gets Landmark Status
The home where the first 100 Apple computers were built gets a historic designation.
Watch Steve Jobs Unveil the iPod 12 Years Ago
The iPod turns 12. Here’s a look back at its unveiling.
How Steve Jobs’ Side Bet on the iPad Affected Microsoft’s Tablets
Even though Apple really did make the iPad for consumers, Jobs and his team fully expected it to also become attractive to business users.