Comics on Our Pull List 6/23/10

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It’s Tuesday already? I’m still filing away last week’s picks in my drawer boxes. Does anyone else use these storage boxes? I’m looking for a new solution. I’ve heard great things about legal sized steel filing cabinets. But they are expensive and will apparently be a visual assault on our apartments motif, so I am told. What are you guys doing with your piles of back issues? Here are least five more books that will be taking up space starting Wednesday night.

Mouse Guard Legends of the Guard #2
There are just enough pages in this series from original creator David Peterson that you don’t lose track of exactly what universe you are in. Not that I have one bad thing to say about the hand picked artists that Peterson commissioned to help flesh out the lore of his baby. The tallest tale contest continues and the whole thing feels like story seeds for the table top role playing game of the same name. And that’s not a bad thing.

Superman #700
It’s a century issue so that means what it usually means, big names collaborating on an extra long issue. Sounds like we’re going to get some more closure on the New Krypton story line as well as the launching of the Michael Straczynski run on the book. We’ll be taking a closer look in this week’s Comic Book Club. Stay tuned.

Avengers #2
Before the Avengers get the plutonian from the Libyans and go to the future to stop their kids from blah blah blah, they need one more team member. Now, it’s not mentioned who it is in the solits but the previews show that is none other than the new Marvel Boy complete with his brand new nega bands and his goofy black and white costume. Now it’s a party.

Thunderbolts #145
This is Luke Cage’s other team. It’s like his second family that he started on the road and they think he’s vacuum salesman or something. The premise of this Thunderbolts team is thin but I do like the team itself. It’s heavy on the soldiers and tanks and light on the telepaths and shapeshifters. Now that’s a covert ops team I can send into the $#!%.

Fringe: Tales from the Fringe #1
I know I’m going to regret this. It’s been my experience that comics that are based on TV or movie properties are much like games that are based on TV or movie properties. That is to say craptastic. But I did enjoy me some Fringe and for a while there they were my new X-Files with their stories being wrapped up in one episode and what not. I’m ready for some episodic weirdo mysteries but I think this may be a short series that just leads into the show’s season premiere in the Fall.

More on Techland:

Comic Book Club: New Avengers 1 and Age of Bronze 30

A Brief History of Jonah Hex