If They Can Make Priest, Why Can’t They Make Preacher?

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Now, I’m not coming down on any side of the oh-God-they-created-a-storyline-completely-different-of-the-original-Korean-comic debate. I’m just asking a simple question: If they can make Priest, why is it taking so long to develop a movie for Preacher!? Here’s the trailer.

[youtube id = “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msrpg6qnnqY”%5D

Here’s what they share:

– They are both based off comic books
– The protagonist is (somewhat) a member of the Holy Order
– (At least in the Priest comic books) Protagonist Ivan Isaacs is an orphan, and Jesse Custer from Preacher eventually becomes one.
– Both are part of the Weird West genre
– The Priest movie has vampires in it. In Preacher, Jesse’s companion Cassidy is a vampire.
– In Preacher’s case, there’s a girl: Tulip. In Priest’s case, there was a girl: Gena Issacs.
– In the comic book stories, God’s lack of attention seems to piss someone off.
– Jesse’s family is twisted. Ivan’s religious family is twisted.
– Preacher takes place in the south. Priest was written by a South Korean. (Too far of a stretch?)

The Preacher TV or movie adaptation has been tossed around, and producer Neal Moritz said that they are hoping to shoot John August’s script in 2011. Even though sadly Sam Mendes, who was previously attached to direct, won’t be joining them, they’re supposedly talking to someone. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.