Roomba Diary: A Boy and His Robot

I always imagined my first robot would be something more along the lines of an Iron Giant scenario. But ya know, you go to war with the robot minion you have, that being, in my case, the Roomba.

I’ve been a Roomba user pretty much from day one. I’d been seeing tech demos of robots for years, and the one constant theme from one demo to …

More on the Speed Racer Cartoon

OK, I’m still not excited about the Speed Racer movie, but it’s getting harder to be all cool and jaded. This comes from an interview with Susan Sarandon, who I guess is playing Speed Racer’s mom. She’s talking about the newfangled camera the Wachowski brothers have:

They’re using some high def thing that comes with guards and it’s

The Jane Austen B(i)o(sh)o(c)k Club

Because if Jane were alive, she’d be splicin’ up a storm.

This game is giving me immense pleasure. And I say that in italics, so you know it comes from here (places hands over heart). I spend weird amounts of time thinking about the Bioshock-verse. I find myself rewarding small daily achievements — brushing teeth, remaining upright, …

YouTube Adds Ads: More Tube, Less You?

When Google bought YouTube last year for (some very large integer) dollars, everybody knew it would be so totally worth it. Why? Ads! Put ads on those videos and charge for them, son! Step three: profit.

But where exactly would those ads go? Before the videos? After? Nobody quite seemed to know. The key to making YouTube work is that it …

Slate on the Harry Potter Theme Park

Some interesting tidbits are leaking out about the Harry Potter theme park that Universal is supposedly going to build in Florida. I hadn’t realized that Disney pondered the project and then passed on it:

Rowling’s vision supposedly was that each person would enter through the Leaky Cauldron, tap on a brick, gain access to Diagon

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