The social media giant has started testing a “mentions” function on the News Feed of select Facebook user accounts, meaning when you and your friend decide to write about the same thing, Facebook will conveniently pair your posts together within your News Feed. The new feature will also add the public profile of the “thing” you and your friend mentioned. (More on Why Facebook Deals is Bad News for Foursquare)
I’m enthused that I get to see that my friends are super excited about the same things I am, so we can have an annoying back and forth Facebook conversation that everyone can read. I shared the same link about Kanye West as one of my Facebook friends, and it popped up on my News Feed. On the updated feature, it would probably have a link to Kanye West’s public profile. Facebook said they eventually want to add the links to the Wikipedia article about the item as well.
I didn’t know my friend liked Kanye too! (Actually I did, but thanks for reminding me he does Facebook.)
(More on Facebook Launches New Mobile Tools, Location Based Deals)
So, what if I want to put the same link on two of my friends’ walls? I hate how Facebook now tells everyone. It’s like they’re accusing me of trying to make something viral. Yes, I’m trying to get everyone to see TRON at midnight. Is that really a bad thing? Does everyone else have to know? Do other people have to know I’m not inviting them? I guess according to Facebook, they do.
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