Sorry for the spoiler: You get to kill a young Castro on one of the missions on the new Call of Duty: Black Ops games. While the controversial scenario may make for some exciting gameplay, some Cuban government-sponsored organizations have made it clear they aren’t exactly thrilled with the video game.
“What the United States government did not achieve in more than 50 years, it now tries to do virtually,” government-run website CubaDebate said in a story regarding the matter.
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“This logic of this new video game is doubly perverse. First, it glorifies the illegal assassination attempts the United States government planned against the Cuban leader – Fidel has survived over 600 – and also, it stimulates sociopathic attitudes in North American children and adolescents, especially those who play these kinds of video games” the story continues.
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In Call of Duty: Black Ops, gamers are taken back to the Cold War Era. As an US special operative, players are sent on missions to save America from communist rule. The gameplay takes you across the globe to communism hotspots like Russia and Cuba.
(More on Call of Duty: Black Ops’ Single Player Trailer Explodes… A Lot.)
The Havana-set mission is only one of many gameplay levels in the Call of Duty series that have caused controversy. In Modern Warfare 2, the “No Russian” mission where you play an undercover CIA agent posing as a Russian terrorist caused an outcry. The player must cooperate with the terrorists so his cover is not blown as innocent civilians are murdered around him. The mission was eventually removed in the Russian PC versions of the game. Similar first-person shooter video game Medal of Honor was banned from US Military bases because players had the option of fighting as Taliban forces.
[Translation via Google Translate and the author’s one quarter of Spanish in college]