Paycheck Friday: Purchasing Suggestions For Your Perusal

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It’s Friday! Maybe you just got paid. You could use that money for boring stuff like bills, rent, and food, or you could act like a wonderfully impulsive consumer and spend it on any number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started based on your taxable income bracket.

10% ($0 to $8,375)


USB LED Backlit Keyboard (Assange Blue Edition): $15.03

Well it’s about time! Finally, there’s an “Assange Edition” keyboard available for purchase. The LED-backlit keys make it perfect for typing in the dark, according to the product description. Leaking documents during the daytime in a well-lit room is considered very poor form, you know.

15% ($8,375 to $34,000)


Bulletproof Clipboard: $30 to $40

These ballistic clipboards are primarily sold to members of law enforcement but there’s no rule against selling them to accountants and inventory specialists that live in bad neighborhoods. Same idea for violent criminals who like to keep organized with an itemized To-Do list.

[via Likecool]

25% ($34,000 to $82,400)


The iProp: $79.95

You can’t imagine life without your iPad—so sleek, so unobtrusive, so accessible. But your arms quiver under the iPad’s massive 1.5-pound weight! This gargantuan gooseneck apparatus looks like it’d blend in to just about any room as gracefully as the iPad itself, while leaving your arms free to quiver under the immense weight of everyday gravity.

28% ($82,400 to $171,850)


The Upper Body Aerobic Exerciser: $129.95

This piece of exercise equipment “is held perpendicular to the body with both hands gripping its two bars and then spun rapidly, mimicking the movements of a boxer punching a speed bag.”

If you know of a way to mimic the movements of a boxer punching a speed bag for even a penny less than $129.95, I’d sure like to hear it.

33% ($171,850 to $373,650)


Air-powered Star Trek style door: $500

It seems odd that anyone who has $500 to spend on an interior door would opt for anything else except an air-powered Star Trek style door. People are weird, though. I’d fill my entire house with these things if I had gone into high finance like my parents suggested. Looks like I’ll be sticking with crap-ass, boring doorknobs for the foreseeable future.

35% ($373,650 and up)


Jedi Starfighter Bed: $18,000 and up

You never hear about a kid with an $18,000 bed being down to earth. “Yeah, he’s got an $18,000 bed but you’d never know it.” Now an adult with an $18,000 Jedi Starfighter bed that’s meant for kids is entirely different. If you get invited to a party at that house, go to it and show up right when it starts.

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