If, like me, you spend far too much of your life wondering what life is like for your dog(s), then a new exhibition of canine photography may go partway towards providing some much-needed answers. And, yes, that’s “canine photography” as in “photos taken by dogs.” Well, kind of.
Dogtography: A Dog’s Eye View Of New York is an exhibition of photographs taken around New York City by digital cameras attached to dog collars that took shots at random intervals that opens tomorrow at the Hendershot Gallery at 195 Chrystie Street in New York. The show benefits local animal shelter and adoption service Mighty Mutts, and is the brainchild of ad agency McCann Erickson New York.
Obviously, dogs are welcome to the show (There’ll be an opening reception tomorrow evening with some of the puppy photogs present), although who knows what they’ll make of the work. And if this doesn’t answer the question of what life is like for your canine companion, well, there’s always Inside Of A Dog.
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