Paycheck Friday: Purchasing Suggestions for Your Perusal

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It’s Friday! Maybe you just got paid. You could use that money for boring stuff like bills, rent, and food, or you could act like a wonderfully impulsive consumer and spend it on any number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Re-Cycle Cardboard Bike


Oh sure, the fact that you ride a bike to work means you’re environmentally conscious, right? Well is your bike recyclable? IS IT?! Budget $25 per day for the new Re-Cycle Cardboard Bike and you’ll almost certainly be crowned as king or queen of the green movement.

The bike assembles in 12 to 37 steps depending on the model and naturally breaks down in a landfill within 80 short years.

The Original Shirt Plate


You eat. You wear shirts. Must the two remain separate?! One of the most ingenious-yet-simple products to hit the market, the Original Shirt Plate ensures that you’re always ready to eat—while minimizing spills and crumbs!

Available in kids sizes small, medium and large for $15; adult sizes small to 6X for between $25 and $29. Mangia!


The iPan


You use your iPad for everything. You two are inseparable! But with all the wonderful things the iPad can do, its slippery form factor just isn’t conducive to cooking—until now!

The $30 iPan panhandle attachment turns your iPad into a web-surfing, app-downloading skillet that can be used to cook eggs, meat and other delectables. It’s compatible with both models of iPad, too.


Toshiba Spectacle 3D Monocle


Until recently, 3D had been the plaything of kings and tyrants. Now that prices have fallen to mouth-breather levels, how can you let everyone around you know that you’re wealthier and more sophisticated than them?

Toshiba has the answer with the Spectacle 3D Monocle. Just because you’re watching Spy Kids 3D: Game Over surrounded by common hoopleheads doesn’t mean you have to be one yourself.


The xPad 360 Tablet


Microsoft and Apple have FINALLY buried the hatchet by announcing the xPad 360. Part iPad, part portable Xbox 360, the xPad 360 explains why Microsoft’s been so far behind in the tablet game this whole time.

The tablet will run Xbox 360 and Apple App Store games at launch, though pricing and availability haven’t been announced yet. A slot-loading DVD drive and Xbox 360 controller buttons add some much-needed class to the iPad 2’s otherwise boring design aesthetic, so price shouldn’t matter to anyone.


PLAYMOBIL Apple Store Playset


Apple’s product launch days are insanely fun, but they only happen a few times each year! Now every day can be iPhone Day or iPad Day or Verizon iPhone Day or iPad 2 Day or Software Update Day with the $180 Apple Store Playset and optional $50 Line Pack.

Remember, just like you’re nothing without Apple’s $29 rubber band that protects the iPhone 4, you’ll need the $50 Line Pack to truly complete the experience of having deep-pocketed consumers waiting outside a retail store in a blizzard for days at a time.

Once inside, have them check out Keynote Theater, the Genius Bar, Kids Corner, and all the other magical sections found in a real Apple store!

More on Techland: Paycheck Friday Archive

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