We know Showtime recently pulled the plug on “Dexter,” but don’t cancel your Netflix account! There’s an even better reason to stick around. Say it with me: “Mad Men” will be available on the video-streaming service this summer.
Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is about to hit the modern age, making their debut on computers, netbooks and tablets galore – well, anywhere Netflix is available — starting July 27. Variety reports that Netflix has bought rerun rights to the acclaimed retro drama. It wasn’t cheap either: the video-on-demand service is said to have ponied up just short of $1 million per episode.
The first four seasons will be available when the show debuts on the service. Following seasons won’t be online until the rest of the season has been shown on AMC, so don’t expect episodes to be posted incrementally. Netflix will have exclusive rights to all seven commissioned seasons of the Emmy-award winning show.
Sadly, the fifth season of “Mad Men” won’t premiere this summer as it has in the past. Viewers will have to fill in the void until next year, and settle for a TV-marathon on the couch. Preferably, self indulgently, with a bottle of gin in true Don-Draper fashion.
(via Variety)
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