That Zucks: Mark Zuckerberg’s Sister Quits Her Job at Facebook

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This ought to make for some awkward dinner conversation the next time all the Zuckerbergs get together.

“How’s work going, Mark?”

“Randi quit, Mom! How do you think work’s going?! GOD!”

It’s not a total Facebook defriendification as the (very believable) above portrayal would have you believe. Randi Zuckerberg—or “RaZu” as her closest friends probably all call her—will reportedly be starting her own company called “RtoZ Media,” where she’ll channel her experience as Facebook’s marketing director “to build a company focused on the exciting trends underway in the media industry,” according to her resignation letter.

(MORE: Zuckerberg Somehow Qualifies for Mortgage, Buys House)

She also ended her resignation letter with a smiley-face emoticon, which we can all agree will ensure her a great referral from Sheryl Sandberg and Elliot Schrage. Hit the jump to read the letter in its entirety.

[via AllThingsD]


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