There’s a new iTunes 11 update on the block — call it iTunes 11.01, because Apple does — that fixes a bunch of stuff definitely in need of fixing, including at least one thing I complained about in an earlier piece.
Like: An issue where searching larger libraries caused big-time pausing when you started typing in the search field. When I type anything in that field now after installing the update, with my library of over 40,000 songs, the response is instantaneous, just as it was in prior versions of iTunes. Thanks Apple, you definitely listened!
The update also fixes:
– An issue where new iCloud purchases might not have appeared in your library with iTunes Match enabled.
– A glitch that causes the AirPlay button to occasionally not appear.
And it adds back something I’m still not clear on why Apple removed: the ability to display duplicate items. I missed this in my complainer piece, because I don’t have dupes, but it came up several times in responses to my story in the comments and on Twitter. I suspect Apple just made a significant swathe of its iTunes base very, very happy again.
[Update: Apple just reached out to let me know that, despite its not being listed in the 11.01 release notes, the company has in fact fixed the PNG conversion issue for album art, which isĀ huge news, from my standpoint — I just ran a test with an album that was using a 143KB JPG file, and the image embeds unconverted, remaining exactly the same size it was pre-embed. Big kudos to Apple for fixing this.]