Megan Young from the Philippines won the crown over 126 beauty contestants in the Miss World 2013 finals.
Gamers’ hearts skipped a beat when newly crowned Miss World, Megan Young, declared herself an “RPG-kind-of-girl,” using the gamers’ shorthand for role-playing game. It gets better. “I was playing Fable and Assassin’s Creed at one time, and I just couldn’t let go of the two to get into Final Fantasy,” she told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Online reaction to the news ranged from the effusive — “Our time is coming, geeks. Soon, we will rise” — to the really effusive — “One of us, one of us! We accept her, we accept her! Gooble gobble! Gooble gobble!” That last quote refers to a scene from the classic horror movie, Freaks, in which a roving band of circus performers welcomes a blonde bombshell to their dinner table with a chilling chant. Hopefully Miss World’s induction into the gaming world will end on a happier note than this: