Best Inventions The 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013 Share Read Later prev28 of 27nextView All Full List IntroductionWhat Makes an Invention Great?Wildly EntertainingThe Driverless (Toy) CarGravity’s LightboxAlcoholic CoffeeSony’s Smart LensExtremely FunThe CronutThe Mission RThe Plus PoolCompellingThe Oculus RiftThe Edible Password PillThe Invisible SkyscraperInterestingThe 3DoodlerVolvo’s Solar PavilionArtificial MemoriesThe AmplituhedronTotally CoolNest Protect Smoke AlarmA New Atomic ClockThe GravitylightA Major DealSpaceShipTwoThe Gastric-Brooding FROGThe Atlas RobotWorld-ChangingThe Argus IIThe X-47B droneWaterless FrackingThe Artificial PancreasRewalk