Tumblr has been out of commission since the site crashed on Sunday, and unable to blog about it, users of the social media site have been Tweeting their displeasure.
Since the Tumblr tech department also can’t blog their progress on fixing the problem, the website has turned to Twitter to update the depressed writers who haven’t been able to share the minute details of their lives with their online friends. Tumblr also shared the following tweet: “This has been a slow and painful recovery, but we’re almost through. We’ll have more info to share as soon as we can post to our blog again,” leading to a slew of upset replies from bloggers.
Founder David Karp told Tech Crunch, “Some scheduled maintenance yesterday that wasn’t intended to interrupt service went haywire and wound up taking down a critical database cluster. Rebuilding the entire cluster has been a painfully slow and manual process, but we’re almost through. We’ll be posting a recap when we’re back up.”
If you’re one of the many who can’t deal with the site being gone from your life, check out WhenTumblrIsDown.com, a click through of semi-comforting statements that will help you through this difficult time. Of course you could actually do work at work, but who are we kidding?
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