Get ready for the next installment of streaming animal cuteness: Mozilla Firefox has adopted two red panda cubs, nicknamed “firefoxes,” and they are streaming their antics online for our guilty viewing pleasure. The Firefox logo was designed after these creatures so the company thought it was just right that they adopted a couple of the red pandas and let viewers take a peak into the cubs lives’ as a thank you to their users. “We’re streaming cuteness. We’re dedicated to doing good. We’re out to make the web a better place,” the Firefox Live site says.
Before you get mad at the company for taking these endangered animals out of their natural habitat, the firefoxes are actually being used to bring awareness to the plight of the creature. The four-month-old cubs are being housed in a special section equipped with web cams of Knoxville Zoo, which has bred 98 of the animals so far. The site also includes information for you to donate to the zoo or learn more about red pandas. But, if you don’t want to fork over the money you can still help these cubs. The more people that download Firefox, the more things the red pandas get to play with. Next up is a jungle gym that they can swing from. How could you deny a fun swing set to red pandas as cute as these?
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