Meta-Search Engine Hipmunk Now Lets You Search Hotels

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Hipmunk, the ballyhooed startup that first sought to reduce the agony associated with finding decent airline fares, has invaded — or is that infested? — a new market. Logically enough, it’s hotel search. And as they did with fare search, Hipmunk has created a speedy and intuitive way to gather and parse all the info you need to find a perfect room.

Your hotel search results can be filtered by price, reviews and ecstasy. (That latter filter, by the way, is a combo of price, amenities, and quality of service as determined by Yelp reviews.) Conveniently, the site also looks up places on Airbnb to help you find a rental if you’re looking for a longer term place or homestyle digs.

Perhaps the most useful feature, however, are the map overlays that alert you to how close your hotel digs are to food, tourism, shopping, nightlife and even “vice” — a designation that uses datasets from SimpleGeo to plot nearby nefarious (and perhaps fun) activity. Purely for informational purposes, of course.

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