Plans to Bring the News to (Dot) You

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If there’s one thing that iPad users don’t lack, it’s a way of staying on top of what’s going on. Apps like Flipboard, Zite and Decks, or services like Summify or PostPost, give users the chance to sit back and let the internet sort through the noise to find specific signals based on criteria they’ve selected to such success that it’s no surprise that the big boys want a piece of that app action. And, with the launch of, they’re looking to get it.

Developed by the New York Times and, and powered by the latter, aggregates news feeds using your friends’ social network links, a la Summify, and puts it into a nice, easy-to-read magazine format, a la Flipboard (It will also be available as a daily email digest, again following Summify’s lead). At 99 cents a week, or $34.99 annually – Someone’s been looking at the pricing structure of The Daily, I think – the app will share its revenue with those its licensing material from, with partners including the NYT, the Associated Press, AOL, Forbes, Gawker Media and other media conglomerates. It’s an attractive-looking package, but I wonder whether there’s still space in the market for it, given all the alternatives already available. Perhaps if it had launched at the end of last year, when originally promised, things would be different…

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