Douglas Wolk

My many obsessions include vegetarian cooking, the philosophy of aesthetics, James Brown, post-punk, intentional communities, ukulele tablature, fake Beatles and really long novels. Mostly, though, I'm obsessed with comic books, and I cover them for Techland.

Articles from Contributor

Emanata: Chester Brown Pays for Sex

Chester Brown’s comics memoir Paying For It came out last week, and–as it was designed to do–it’s already been raising some eyebrows. Brown’s a superb cartoonist whose earlier books include the biography Louis Riel, the autobiographical I Never Liked You and The Playboy (the latter revolving around an issue of Playboy he discovered as …

The Comic Book Club: Strange Adventures and Kirby Genesis

This is what happens when Techland goes to the comic book store: we end up discussing what we picked up. This week, Evan Narcisse, Douglas Wolk and Graeme McMillan talk about the Strange Adventures one-shot and Kirby Genesis #0.

EVAN: They should have never put a Paul Pope cover on Strange Adventures #1. Not because it creates …

This Week’s Best Free Music

There’s a lot of music online–more than most people have time to keep up with. That’s why you’ve got us. Every week, we’ll point you toward three excellent new downloads or videos from chart-topping stars, cult favorites and unknown geniuses.

1. Memorial Day weekend means the Sasquatch! music festival–one of the first big outdoor …

Amazon’s 99-Cent Lady Gaga Album Heralds Cloud Music Wars

As if it weren’t enough of a reason to freak out that Lady Gaga’s much-anticipated album Born This Way is out today–on a Monday, even though most albums come out on Tuesdays– has sweetened the deal.

Amazon’s been doing $3.99 sales on MP3 versions of selected new albums for a bit, which ensures them high placement on the …

Emanata: Just Like Starting Over and Over

The end of the world has happened before, and might be happening again in a couple of months, at least in comics. It’s no big deal.

The persistent rumor, which seems to grow louder daily, is that DC Comics is rebooting all of its superhero titles as of September, following some sort of earthshaking event in Flashpoint #5 the final …

The Three Songs You Need to Download This Week

There’s a lot of music online–more than most people have time to keep up with. That’s why you’ve got us. Every week, we’ll point you toward three excellent new downloads or videos from chart-topping stars, cult favorites and unknown geniuses.

1. Remember that astonishing interactive video Chris Milk made for Arcade Fire’s “We Used to …

Emanata: Yuichi Yokoyama’s Garden of Baffling Delights

There are certain things readers tend to automatically anticipate when they open a graphic novel: characters, plot, interactions, emotional paths, a sense that the story inside can somehow maps onto their own reality. One of the things great art does, though, is upend its viewers’ preconceptions about what it can and should do, and very …

The Comic Book Club: Flashpoint and Chew

This is what happens when Techland goes to the comic book store: we end up discussing what we picked up. This week, Douglas Wolk, Evan Narcisse and Graeme McMillan talk about Flashpoint #1 and Chew #27.

DOUGLAS: I have to admit I wasn’t expecting a lot from Flashpoint #1. I liked Geoff Johns’ initial run on The Flash a lot, and his …

The Three Songs You Need to Download This Week

There’s a lot of music online–more than most people have time to keep up with. That’s why you’ve got us. Every week, we’ll point you toward three excellent new downloads or videos from chart-topping stars, cult favorites and unknown geniuses.

1. The first, self-titled mixtape by The Very Best–the collaboration between Malawian …

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