It’s been a long time coming, but we finally get to see what Sam Fisher has been up to in the oft-delayed Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction. Turns out he’s been busy. Die-Hard-24-and-Lethal-Weapon-all-rolled-into-one-busy. From the looks of the new trailer, this “stealth action” game seems to double-down on action at the expense of …
Think back to all of the films featuring Aliens, Predators, or both. In good times (Aliens) and bad (AvP: Requiem), have you ever wished you could be the Alien or the Predator in a videogame? I haven’t and I’m a huge fan of these franchises. These iconic monsters are great for target practice, not so much for role-playing. Rebellion …
Nearly a year after it came out, Resident Evil 5 is back with a vengeance starting today with the release of a new downloadable episode on Xbox Live. The deluge of new content that’s going to be available for this game in the next few weeks is a little confusing so here’s a rundown of what’s on tap:
Lost in Nightmares
Available …
Capcom just announced that it’s porting over its Street Fighter IV fighting game to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Coming out in March, the game employs a touchscreen virtual d-pad to control the characters’ movements. I haven’t played this version of SF4 yet but I can only imagine how hard it’s going to be to pull off some of Street …
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 came out today for the PSP: did anyone notice? There doesn’t seem to be too much buzz about this game, which is hardly surprising given the latest figures for Sony’s struggling portable game console. According to NPD, Sony sold 100,100 PSPs last month. That’s 1/4th the amount of Nintendo DSs …
When Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 7 this morning, they showed that they were finally ready to bring something stronger than NERF guns to the increasingly contentious smartphone street fight. They also indicated a level of commitment to a business that’s been even more neglected: mobile gaming. Games will be one of the six primary …
Naming the best videogame romances has been done has been done to death, so we decided to put on our matchmaking hats and focus on the best cross-title hookups that haven’t happened yet (and barring any imaginative fanfic, never will).
1) Master Chief (Halo) & Samus (Metroid)
This couple would need to ditch their armor to …
I’ve watched the new God of War III trailer that Sony unveiled last night half a dozen times now. It’s downright impressive, and, according to the official PlayStation Blog, 100% comprised of actual gameplay (no pre-rendered CGI disclaimer required).
Near the end of the trailer, while watching Kratos mount the arm of a screen-filling …
Microsoft’s X10 event is wrapping up in San Francisco. The most notable pieces of info coming out of the one-day Xbox 360 media presentation were street dates for some of the year’s AAA titles. A multiplayer beta for Halo: Reach comes your way on May 3rd followed closely by Alan Wake on May 18th.
Shortly before Capcom’s Dead Rising …
If you were surprised to hear Activision Publishing CEO Mike Griffith reveal yesterday during ATVI’s 4Q conference call that there’s going to be a sequel to Tony Hawk: Ride in 2010, you really shouldn’t have been. Yes, the game currently hovers in the low 40s on Metacritic for all three versions (we threw it a bone and said it …
GameFly, the Netflix-like videogame rental service, filed for an initial public offering this morning that could raise up to $50 million. According to the S-1 registration document filed with the SEC, the company:
- Had more than 334,000 subscribers at the end of Sept. ’09 (up 25% from the previous year)
- Sees around 8% of its
If you’ve already had your fill of “Boom Boom Pow”, you might want to wait a while to cue up Riddim Ribbon on your iPhone. In this officially endorsed Black Eyed Peas game, you try to keep a rolling marble on a narrow track in order to preserve the ill and dope (Ribbon’s words, not mine) beats of the song. The remixes of the …