Unlike some (bald) people, we can’t all be at Comic-Con this year, soaking up our annual allotment of nerd sweat and “he’s-right-over-there!” celebrity sightings. As the nexus of almost al things nerd, The Con’s been a gracious host to an increasing video game presence in recent years.
This year’s San Diego Comic-Con features more …
Most video games have you trying to forestall disaster. Even the ones set in a post-apocalyptic milieus–like Crysis 2 or Fallout: New Vegas, for example–have you trying to prevent an even more awful end-of-days scenario.
Supergiant Games’ Bastion–the first title in Microsoft’s annual Summer of Arcade promotion–puts players in …
How important is Modern Warfare 3 to Activision? It’s being co-developed by three separate studios: Infinity Ward (still going after the exit of the studio’s founders), Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software. Glen Schofield comes to Activision from EA, where he worked on the first Dead Space and Dante’s Inferno.
Contrary to what’s been
So far Activision’s only shown a handful of single-player levels from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, one of this year’s most anticipated games. I talked about two levels from the solo campaign–”Hunter Killer” and “Mind the Gap”– in my E3 2011 coverage and a comparison between Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3, and recently got the …
When you think about it, Harry Potter video games were simply born under a bad sign. The stuff that video games can do well when inspired–incredible world-building, the explication of a fantasy construct and its rules–were all done to genius levels in the rich imaginings of J.K. Rowling’s writing. And then, the eight movies that …
Very few games have the kind of anticipation surrounding them that BioShock Infinite does. The first BioShock came out in 2007 and got hailed as a modern-day classic almost immediately for the way it wove character development, environmental design and philosophical underpinnings into a chilling and hypnotic experience.
BioShock …
We’re a week gone from the Supreme Court’s historic ruling on Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association, which declared that video games should enjoy the same protections as other forms of art. Like the ruling in the 1952 Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson case did for film, the Brown decision moves video games from being categorized as …
My hands-on time with this year’s Bat-game revealed a few things to me.
The new criminal ghetto in the sequel’s Gotham City is big. Very big. You’ll face off against even more thugs–and more kinds of thugs–in Arkham City. But Batman will have a powered-up set of attacks and gadgets. The combat system features tiers of execution …
Journey may be simultaneously the simplest and trickiest game to describe in quite some time. There’s been a veil of secrecy around the upcoming PSN exclusive for months now, with eager fans only getting the vaguest hints about the multiplayer game from dev studio thatgamecompany. But the makers of artsy cult hit Flower launched a …
From book clubs to cat lovers to germaphobes, you’ve got online communities for just about everything. And, occasionally, they’ll do meet-ups, so that everyone can put faces and real names to the people who share their passions. Someone will say, "Hey, I like sticking tweezers into surge protectors, too!" And someone else will ask,
Thanks to Tears for Fears, we know that everybody wants to rule the world. And the long-running Civilization strategy game franchise lets you do exactly that. But what good is global domination without a great soundtrack?
The 2005 hit Civilization IV got “Baba Yetu,” as its rousing, anthemic theme song, courtesy of composer …
In a 7-2 decision with an opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court effectively declared on Monday (PDF file) that video games can be afforded the same constitutional protections as visual art, film, music and other forms of expression.
The case that went before the court, Brown v. Entertainment Merchants …