Graeme McMillan

Born in a crossfire hurricane in the Scotland of the 1970s, Graeme was raised on a diet of comics, Doctor Who and gritty life on the streets just like in Trainspotting. Escaping to the US and life as a writer in 2002, he has written for Time, Wired, Playboy and the Hollywood Reporter, amongst many other places.

Articles from Contributor

Doctor Who 5.9: Don’t Stick Your Hand In There, Doctor!

For the first time since the start of this season, I’m beginning to think that Doctor Who isn’t playing fair. Sure, “Cold Blood” may have been, on one hand, a fairly dull by-the-numbers conclusion of the Silurians two-parter (Humanity’s basest natures, driven by love, prevent a new golden age of man and lizard living in perfect harmony! …

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