
Netflix Now Instantly Streams That One Frakking Show

Adding insult to injury, Netflix has announced a deal with NBC Universal that we’re sure has the folks at Blockbuster weeping like a 2-year-old who just lost its binky.

Starting next week, Netflix subscribers can stream just about everything and anything from NBC, USA Network and Syfy, including Battlestar Galactica. Oh, and you …

Samsung Galaxy Tab Video Shows Everything (Except Price)

I have a sneaking suspicion that Samsung’s doing everything in its power to get people all whipped up for this 7-inch Galaxy Tab that’s due out soon, but is purposely withholding price details until the last minute because it’s going to be more expensive than expected.

You’ll recall that it’ll be available from all four major US

Verizon: Tiered Data Plans, No iPhone

Speaking at a Goldman Sachs conference today, Verizon Communications CEO Ivan Seidenberg told investors that Verizon has no plans to carry the iPhone in the near future and that Verizon may roll out tiered data pricing in the coming months.

“We don’t feel like we have an iPhone deficit. We would love to carry it when we get there, but …

New Trailer for Harry Potter Shows The Finale is Nigh

We’re getting a little emotional that the first part of the end of Harry Potter is coming. Although November is still far, we didn’t like it when we had to come to the last page of the epic saga… actually, that might be because we thought the epilogue was entirely unnecessary. We’re going to like it less when there’s few new things for …

Roku Updates Lineup With 3 New Models

Roku, makers of the streaming set-top box with the same name, have updated their lineup today with lower prices, better features and a slimmed down design.

The Roku HD retails for $60, streams content at 720p and includes built-in Wi-Fi and an Ethernet port. It’s a mere inch tall and 5 inches across. A composite cable is …

Project Milo for Kinect Dies Stillborn?

Kotaku‘s reporting that the plug’s been pulled on Lionhead Studios’ ambitious Project Milo for Kinect. The undertaking–also referred to as Milo & Kate–was the jewel of Microsoft’s 2009 E3 presentation, containing the most forward-looking of the motion-gaming ideas during the press conference.

If it’s true, the news about Milo

Google Street View Bike Does Denmark

The fine people of Denmark are getting a closer look at their cobblestone-paved streets. Google Street View Bike (well, technically tricycle) has come to the country to track bike paths and small spaces that a car can’t get to.

So far the tricycle has logged 300 kilometers in the Danish countryside including a trip to the Round Tower, …

This Facebook Phone Thing is as Straightforward as God

Do you believe in God? If you do, do you perceive God as an individual entity that looks over us? Or perhaps you perceive God as the sum-total of all souls—God is an ocean and we’re all the droplets of water that make up that ocean, and so on. Or maybe you don’t believe in God. Or maybe you believe in many gods. Maybe you’re God! If …

CDMA iPhone Rumor #5,452,987

According to Susquehanna Financial Group analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro, Apple is on track to begin building 3 million CDMA iPhones starting in December. That would put the total number of iPhones produced for the quarter somewhere between 21 and 22 million. Fidacaro goes on to say that Apple will sell an estimated 11.6 million units in the …

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