Who wants to be puffing on an electronic cigarette and holding a cell phone to their head at the same time? What are we? A bunch of savages?
That Instant World of Warcraft Level 90 Boost Might Set You Back $60
Then again, that’s a whole lotta levels.
New Philips Lighting Can Track Your Position in Stores
European electronics giant Philips has just unveiled a new technology, built into overhead lights, that is capable of tracking your exact location while indoors.
Artemis’s pCell Promises a Revolutionary Cure for Slow Wireless Data
A veteran tech entrepreneur says that he’s about to deliver uncompromised bandwidth to every phone.
The Rumored Galaxy S5 Fingerprint Sensor Sounds Like Trouble
Unlocking the phone may require some careful swiping.
FINALLY: Caffeine-Infused Tank Top Promises to Slim You Down
Like a true sucker, I’ve been lathering myself with Aveeno while prancercising on the treadmill. This tank top could have saved me a lot of time and cleanup.
BioShock Creator Ken Levine ‘Winding Down Irrational Games as You Know It’
BioShock creator taking “about fifteen” employees to work on new gaming project.
Sony Says the PlayStation 4 Is Well Past 5 Million Units Sold Worldwide
Next-gen sales momentum continues, beyond expectations.
Google Wants to Protect Your Password with Sound
Don’t lose your phone, though.
U.S. Navy to Zap Enemies With Futuristic Laser
Device launched this year will target aerial drones and swarming speedboats in Persian Gulf
Expect More Tech Acquisitions in 2014
We’ll see more acquisitions over the next five years than we have over the past 10.
Datacoup: Make Money Selling Your Personal Data Yourself
A new company will pay you monthly for anonymized access to your financial data and social media accounts.