There are a slew of sites out there that consolidate the publicly available details from all the major hacks and let you search to see if your email is among them.
How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal with a Range Extender
These small boxes can extend the range of your Wi-Fi signal by boosting it and retransmitting it.
Snapchat Security Blunder: How to Stop the Spam
If the recent increase in spam is bothering you, the good news is that you can put a stop to it with a little effort.
How to Minimize Your Risk of Password Theft
The only way to minimize the impact of stolen log-in credentials is to use a different password for every site.
How to Go Paperless
Is it time to consider getting rid of the home filing cabinet to go completely digital?
10 Steps for Getting Started with Rust
A quick guide to hunting, gathering and not getting shot in the face.
How to Survive the Snapchat Hack (and Others)
A New Year’s resolution everyone can live with: firewall your online footprints.
How to Stay in Desktop Mode on Your Windows 8 PC
Remain in Desktop mode as you work and even bypass the Start screen, starting up directly into Desktop.
5 Ways to Take Great Holiday Photos with Your Smartphone
Take your phone’s camera out of “Auto” mode and follow these tips to taking great photos in low light.
How to Track Santa on Any Device
Want to keep tabs on Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick? Here are several great options for locating Santa’s sleigh on a smartphone, tablet and PC.
30-Second Tech Trick: How to Retrace Your Steps on Google Maps
Oh look, today I went nowhere. That’s what we call an alibi.
How to Block Facebook’s Annoying New Autoplay Video Ads
Here’s how to keep the social network usable without abandoning it entirely.