RoboThespian not only tells jokes, but can apparently read the audience’s reaction and use the data to improve its timing.
Winbot Window-Washing Robot: Like Roomba, but for Windows
If you have windows so large that you’re considering this $400 window-washing robot, congratulations on all your success.
This Jumping Robot Uses a Tail for Stabilization
I, for one, would like to see this robot built as big as a human.
Sensory, Light-Up Skin and the Dawn of Touchy-Feely Robots
Interactive e-skin can detect pressure changes
DARPA’s Atlas Robot: The Lovechild of Johnny Five and a Flayed T-800
Atlas is coming to get–I mean, SAVE you.
Another Day, Another Professional Golfer and Robot Golfer Taking Turns Hitting Balls at Washing Machines on a Driving Range
For those of you keeping score, this is what happens when Rory McIlroy and a sass-talking robot hit golf balls at washing machines.
Kiddovation: 6 Cool Inventions from High-Schoolers at MIT’s EurekaFest
Checking in on the next generation of innovators — high-schoolers from around the country showcase their ideas at MIT’s EurekaFest invention fair.
Wish Granted: This Robot Knows When to Pour You a Brewski
This is a robot that not only pours you a beer, but “knows” not to if you start slopping your glass around.
A Wing and a Tether: Tiny Robotic Insects Now Capable of Controlled Flight
Meet RoboBees, tiny micro-robots with dragonfly-like wings that beat 120 times a second.
FIRST Robotics Competition: Students Teaching Robots, and Vice Versa
Segway inventor Dean Kamen’s annual contest inspires high-school students to build some spectacular robotic athletes.
WATCH: Robot Swarms of the Future (Because Sometimes It Takes a Village)
What happens when you put 40 tiny robots in a room and let them go nuts?
WATCH: Robotic Jellyfish ‘Cyro’ Could Work for Navy, Come After You
Are we ready for Cyro, a jellyfish-like robot funded by the U.S. Navy for potential future underwater surveillance?