ABC’s V: John May Lives … Not!

Oh god V, what happened?

I left last week’s episode thinking you’d finally started to get good. Turns out, you’re just another alien tease in a mediocre sci-fi suit.

Last night’s V had the makings for the start of a full on bad-ass rise of the resistance, but instead we’re still watching the same band of plucky misfits – just …

iPad Content Roundup pt. 2

Let me apologize in advance for our moderately heavy iPad coverage, but this is what’s popular and actually worth talking about in tech right now.

Apple’s iPad goes on sale this Saturday and details on which apps will be in the App Store at launch are starting to trickle in.

(More on Techland: Hands-on With the Apple iPad

Batman 3: It Won’t Be Long Now

Today, Variety wrote that ABC’s FlashForward would endure another kick to the teeth as co-creator David Goyer announced his departure from the show to focus on his film career (though he will stay attached to the show as executive producer.)

Translation: It’s Batman 3 time, kiddies!

Goyer co-wrote 2005’s Batman Begins and also …

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