Paycheck Friday: Purchasing Suggestions for Your Perusal

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It’s Friday! Maybe you just got paid. You could use that money for boring stuff like bills, rent, and food, or you could act like a wonderfully impulsive consumer and spend it on any number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started based on your taxable income bracket.

10% ($0 to $8,500)


World’s Largest Ice Cream Scooper: $10

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips—I’ll just have one scoop. Yes, that scoop happens to be the size of an infant, but I’m just having one. And when I asked if I could borrow a scoop of ice cream, you said yes.

What am I missing here?

Seriously, though. Look at the size of that thing. And check out the look on that guy’s face. He knows he’s getting away with something! Here comes trouble! Enjoy your giant scoop of ice cream, Guy. You’ve earned it.

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