Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus is actually a late add to the launch lineup, but definitely a welcome one. Sure, it’s just the Xbox’s Ninja Gaiden overhauled for the third time (we’ve had ‘Black’ for the Xbox 360 and ‘Sigma’ for the PS3), but we’re talking about one of the most revered action games around — having it on the Vita’s a little like getting Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, only for martial arts/hack-and-slash wonks.
Why it’s promising: Because it’s already delivered in the gameplay department, for starters, and the Vita’s just sweetening the pot, from six-axis motion controls for arrows and touchscreen prompts that bolster your Ninpo magic attacks, to full-on PlayStation Network trophy support and a new NGS+ Ninja Challenge Mode (76 mini-challenges for on-the-go gaming).