Social Networking 30 Tumblrs to Follow in 2013 TIME's writers and editors pick their favorite sites of the year Share Read Later prev32 of 32nextView AllMore Lists Full List IntroductionBehind the ListArt and PhotoHumans of New YorkHyperAllergicThe JoggingNatGeoFoundPostcards from AmericaHumor and EntertainmentBenjamemeBobby FingerRappers Doing Normal S–tReality TV GIFSReasons Why My Son Is CryingThe Worst RoomMiscellanyEmojinal Art GalleryOld LovesRandwichesShe WorksSmart Girls at the PartyNews and InfoAl Jazeera AmericaExploreFloor ChartsRaise Our StoryToday’s DocumentScience and TechnologyExplodingtoriumF**k Yeah cartography!OessaParis LemonRadiolabStyle and DesignCouncil of Fashion Designers of AmericaSexy SweatersThings Fitting Perfectly Into Other ThingsVoxsartoria