As a tech journalist I have a good record with firsts. I’m pretty sure I was the first journalist to see the iPhone. Ditto the Wii. Also the Xbox 360: in the months before it came out I spent a lot of time in Redmond with J Allard and the other guys who were building it.
So I remember well my first look at it. It was different. It …
Recently I went away on a 3-week trip. It was the kind of trip where two days out of three you’re getting on a plane and going somewhere else. Usually when I go on such trips I take the precaution of buying some insanely addictive iPhone game in advance.
I’ve gone down this road with GeoDefense and GeoDefense Swarm. I’ve done Enigmo …
I got a new iPhone about ten months ago. (My last one got stolen.) I dicked around with the settings. I set up e-mail, threw some apps on there, as one does. I figured I’d set up voicemail when I had a sec.
I’m still waiting for that sec.
If I call myself I still get the “Welcome to your new mailbox!” I really meant to set it up, …
And possibly yours.
No seriously, check it out. If you were even remotely sentient in the 1980’s, you will recognize something fundamental here. Jour de la Comete appears to be a kind of collage-parody of vaguely science-fictional teen-comedy movies like Back to the Future, The Goonies, Weird Science, Real Genius, The Twilight Zone, …
It’s true, I’ve never seen Lost before. But I watched the finale anyway, because I figured, how hard can it be? I’ll pick it up as I go along.
Here’s what happened.
:02 Holy crow these people are good-looking. But this island they’re on looks a lot like Scranton. Maybe there’s some kind of Office crossover happening. You know, like …
Zuck pulled a Jobs.
80th level tech-blogger Robert Scoble e-mailed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Sunday to ask him why he hadn’t spoken publicly about Facebooks’ various privacy gaffes. Zuckerberg e-mailed him back. Hooray!
(More on Techland: Will You Quit Facebook Because of New Privacy Terms?)
Excerpt Zuckerberg didn’t say …
I hate racing games. Well, that’s not really true. I hate cars. They kill people, they destroy the planet, they make lots of noise, etc. etc.
So I hate those ultra-realistic racing games that reproduce real cars in such minute detail that you feel like you’re driving your VW Passat to the center of town to pick up the kids after …
Apparently ABC has picked this up.
But is this really news? Of course Michael Chiklis is invulnerable. He’s the Thing dammit. He’s lucky, actually, because this generic, un-edgy trailer makes me want to smack him. You hear that Michael Chiklis? Lucky!
Less believable is that he has a convenient black best friend with whom to …
I picked this up via io9. Look! French people can do bad acting too! Only it doesn’t sound that bad in French.
If you’re pressed for time — and even if you’re not — you might want to start at 2:00. All you missed was a French guy eating a sandwich and ogling a French lady. There’s nothing in there that would make the plot make …
The list of blogs that this is via is lengthening unmanageably even as I type. Suffice it to say that it’s via Kotaku via Super Punch via the place where it actually appeared, COOLEY!
But what is it? It is: inappropriate Golden Books.
Doesn’t require much explanation. Cooley is Josh Cooley, who’s a Pixar artist. His life is …
I was actually at the last DARPA autonomous car event in 2007. Weird stuff: driverless cars wandering through an abandoned, burned-out Army base in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Junior was there, but I never saw it do anything like this. They’ve come a long way.
I hear MIT’s working on a robot that can walk away from a building in …
I didn’t even know about this. Maybe it’s because they didn’t want me to know.
Well the cat’s out of the bag now. Matt Damon and Emily Blunt star as lovers who find themselves at the center of a paranoid conspiracy that tears at the root of our every cherished belief about reality itself. Reality I say. Yes, this is a Philip K. Dick …