I’ve done a couple-three blog entries on webcomics, which I managed to roll up into a piece in this week’s issue of Time. Some DVD-extra-type addenda here:
— after my death I would like to be known as the guy who put Penny Arcade in Time magazine
— we actually run a Penny Arcade strip in the print version. Disappointingly, it’s …
So apparently News Corp. and NBC Universal, with the aid of Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL and MySpace, are going to set up a video portal, in effect saying, “it’s my Scattergories, and I’m going home” to YouTube.
A few thoughts on this. We’ve known all along that the YouTube revolution was not a unitary entity, that it consisted of two …
Like a YouTube-browsing cheetah, I’m pouncing on this video a mere two months after it was posted. It features a shockingly well-preserved Ralph Macchio and — even better — the reunited Cobra Kai! Do you have a problem with that?
The trailer chick gets the best lines: “It’s …
Will she, won’t she, is she, isn’t she. I’m hearing a lot of guff about Emma Watson waffling over whether she’s going to be in the last two Harry Potter movies, but I’m still waiting for the news story that will clear up what exactly her damage is. I mean, is she (understandably) freaked out about being stalked? Is this one of those …
OK, I’m going to get back to the regular two-a-day postings any minute now, for reals. But honestly, how’s a nerd to concentrate? Somebody puts some crazy Russian version of the trailer for Stardust online, then (apparently) yanks it before I can watch it? Dangit, if Neal Gaiman writes something, and Ricky Gervais and Claire Danes act it …
If you read this blog, you should really be reading Wil Wheaton’s blog. In fact you should probably read his blog first. Then, if you have some free time and nothing better to do, you should read this blog. He is, along with Tycho at Penny Arcade, the gold standard of nerd bloggers.
I assume you already know who Wheaton is — he …
A while ago I gave up reading Ain’t It Cool News. I don’t know why, maybe it was those big chunky sans-serif fonts. But I’ve come back to the fold lately, and I gotta say, they have the stuff. I hadn’t heard about this curiosity: a test-image of Rorschach from Watchmen buried in one of the 300 trailers. You can tease it out of the …
So Captain America is dead. I know this not because I’ve read the comic, but because I’ve read the news reports about the comic.
Oddly enough I’m a fan of Captain America. I say ‘oddly’ because when I was a kid old flaghead wasn’t considered one of the ‘cool’ comics — he wasn’t dark and edgy like the X-Men. He wasn’t secretly a nerd. …
Obi-Wan Kenobi’s cloak — the one that slumps to the floor, mysteriously empty, when Darth strikes him down — has been sold at auction for 54,000 pounds. You can check out the auctioner’s announcement here, official press release here. This odd detail jumps out from a BBC report:
While Sir Alec’s cloak was missing, it was loaned to
I got a funny feeling the other day as I opened a package and found inside one of the stately grey pre-publication galleys the Library of America sends out. The last five authors to be enshrined in the Library of America were Hart Crane, Saul Bellow, John Steinbeck, Capt. John Smith, and Thornton Wilder. If that sequence were one of …
Why was I not informed?
As the Kotaku post implies, this could actually be a really good idea. A sweet spot between the flying-phallus total anarchy of Second Life, and the over-structured, resource-farming grind of World of Warcraft?
Or it could, like most things, suck. At least this way we get to find out.
You know, I’ve given more than one lifeless, stuttering corporate presentation in my life. Doubtless I will give more. And I don’t think I deserve to be mocked for it mercilessly, around the clock, on the Internet. I don’t think anybody deserves that. Unless it’s funny. Giant enemy crabs remix! This is from Sony’s 2006 E3 …