Sony’s last console launched in 2006, so the company went all out for the PlayStation 4 launch.
PlayStation 4 Pulsing Blue? Sony Has a Guide for That
Sony says some have been able to fix their glitching PS4s by following these steps.
Sony’s PlayStation 4 Hits the ‘Million Sold’ Jackpot
Sony says it sold a million PlayStation 4 game consoles in a day
5 Reasons to Buy a PlayStation 4 Now, 5 Reasons Not To
Can’t make up your mind? We’re here to help.
Life with Sony’s PlayStation 4 Online: Sizing Up the Dynamic Menu, Camera and Media Sharing
Sony’s version 1.50 update folds in mostly polished online functionality.
Steve Jobs Was Wrong: Why the 7-Inch Tablet Is King
What a difference three years makes.
Amazon Now Selling Digital Download PlayStation Games
In case you haven’t noticed, physical media is disappearing.
PlayStation 4 Review: Sony’s Comeback Console
Master of many trades, jack of none.
All 23 PlayStation 4 Launch Day Games in One Place
Sony’s PlayStation 4 arrives November 15.
5 Video Game Trends: Buy, Sell or Hold?
With the Xbox One and Playstation 4 mere days away from launch, what’s hot and what’s not?
Xbox One Resolution Brouhaha: When Graphics Matter, and When They Don’t
Tune-out the technophile chest-beating.
The PlayStation 4 Delivers Launch Trailer Quadruplets
Sony unveils four PlayStation 4 launch trailers.