
Free Stuff: 30-Day Free Trial of Thumbplay for Your BlackBerry

Gather round, children, for we have things to give away for free to you.

Today’s “Free Stuff” comes courtesy of Thumbplay, a streaming music service provider who happens to be beta testing a BlackBerry app. They dropped by the office the other week to show off their ‘wares and I was pleasantly surprised. Primarily because the …

We Have Things To Break, Help Us Break Said Things

We currently have two products in the lab that need to be tested – Casio Exilim EX-G1 (a camera) and Casio G’zOne Brigade (a cell phone). Both products are of the rough and tumble variety, so our goal is to break them. How should we do it? Everything will be caught on camera so sky’s the limit.

Hands-on With the Motorola Devour (Verizon Wireless)

Motorola’s second Android device for Verizon has landed at the Techland offices. Say hello to the Devour. It will be available in Verizon stores for $149.99 after a $100MIR in mid-March. However, Best Buy will begin selling the device this Thursday. Price is currently TBD, but I don’t see it being much different, if it all, from the

Verizon and Skype Sitting In a Tree, So On and So Forth

A bit of MWC news that’s actually applicable to the US. Huzzah!

Skype and Verizon Wireless announced today that an exclusive Skype mobile app would be available for 3G smartphone users with data plans. No need to connect over Wi-Fi to use said app and there’s even unlimited Skype-to-Skype calls. I’m not entirely sure how much …

Microsoft Reboot: Windows Phone 7 Hands-on

When you think about Microsoft, a lot of adjectives come to mind, but hip and cool are probably not among them. Many consumers associate Microsoft only with the Windows machine they’re using. And all those “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” ads have made Apple users like me feel kinda sorry for PCs.

But it’s a brand new decade, and …

First Impressions: Official Twitter for BlackBerry App

RIM’s official Twitter app for BlackBerry devices has been rumored to be coming for the last few weeks. It was released into beta yesterday and I’ve been test-driving it for the last 24 hours. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s not very good and here’s why:

• It’s incredibly slow to load and each tab (timeline, @s, …

Opera Promises Better iPhone Browser

The thought of writing another story about cell phones induces the need to vomit but who am I to disappoint Matt Selman? Hey, Matt, I’m going to push down your limerick genius with posts about cell phones and cameras, k?

Opera will unveil Mini 5 beta for the iPhone next week in Barcelona at MWC and promises the experience will be …

Rumor: Windows Phone 7 Detailed In Full

Rumors of the Zune Phone have been swirling since early 2007 and haven’t quite panned out. Three years later, we might actually get to see the fabled Zune Phone at Mobile World Congress next week. According to the PPC Geeks, they have exclusive intel on Windows Phone 7, so get out your salt shakers. Since I can neither confirm nor deny …

Motorola Devour: Baby Droid With MotoBlur on Verizon

Remember when Verizon offered the worst phones imaginable? It wasn’t that long ago, but in the last year or so they really turned things around. It’s doubtful that anyone would argue if I said they had the best overall selection of devices.

Add the Motorola Devour to the ever-growing list of badass devices available on Verizon. …

Google Updates Nexus One, Unlocks “Pinch-To-Zoom”

Holy crap! Google is pushing out an update to all Nexus One owners this week that unlocks a bevy of features including pinch-to-zoom in Maps, Gallery and Browser. Google Goggles will magically appear as an embedded app, too. Google is also addressing 3G issues. Maps is also being updated with the following features/fixes:

• Starred …

Palm Pre Plus Review: Is Plus Enough?

Palm made a splash at CES in 2009 with the announcement of webOS and I’d say they’ve done a good job maintaining that momentum. A year later, they’ve added Verizon and AT&T to the roster and updated both the Pre and Pixi with – what some might call – minor updates. It’s been a week since the Pre Plus (Pixi Plus, too) went on …

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