The Daily Dose

Friday, May 21, 2010

Here’s what else is going on in nerd news around the web:

Meet the new cast of Scream 4: Though Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Courteney Cox are all set to reprise their roles during Wes Craven’s upcoming Scream 4, there is, of course, a fresh crop ready to die. Ashley Greene (Twilight) will play Sidney …

Manifest Destiny: Techland Reviews Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer: Rockstar San Diego
Available on: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
ESRB rating: M for Mature
System reviewed on: Xbox 360

Rockstar’s taking a big gamble with Red Dead Redemption. They’re taking fans who’ve grown to love the publisher on the strength of their brilliant Grand …

Paycheck Friday: Purchasing Suggestions For Your Perusal

It’s Friday! Maybe you just got paid. You could use that money for boring stuff like bills, rent, and food, or you could act like a wonderfully impulsive consumer and spend it on any number of products. Here are some ideas to get you started based on your taxable income bracket.

10% ($0 to $8,375)

Look, just because you …

10 Ways LOST Shouldn’t End

As Sunday night’s series finale creeps closer, everyone and their mother, step-cousin and pet parakeet are speculating about the show’s final moments. What is his real name? Who will she end up with? Where on Earth is Vincent?

(More on Techland: All of LOST in 108 Seconds)

We’ve been guessing with the rest, but we’ve also come to …

Google Doodles Pac-Man On His 30th Birthday

Today marks the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man. Well, it’s technically tomorrow May 22, which it is in Japan right now, so we’re going with that since it’s a Japanese game. Anyway, the Google Doodles team wanted to do something special and they certainly delivered.

For the next 48 hours you can play Pac-Man on the homepage of …

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